Save Your Core Business In Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

How did women’s clothier Chadwick’s emerge from a successful Chapter 11 case? By focusing on its core business and shedding debt. Many companies attempt to grow too fast by pursuing ambitions in the marketplace. Growth almost certainly involves taking on debt as companies add equipment, leases, employees and other infrastructure in order to accommodate the […]

Bankruptcy Buyer’s Remorse: When Debtors Want To Dismiss Their Own Chapter 11 Case

Michael Brown did not seem to be a good candidate for bankruptcy. A prominent Houston hand surgeon, he invented a surgical technique to treat carpal tunnel syndrome and franchised 6 surgical centers in the southwest. His Brown Medical Centers had earned between $25 million to $30 million a year. However, while trying to divorce his […]

Should Casey Anthony Be Denied A Discharge in Bankruptcy?

Famed child murder acquitee Casey Anthony has filed for bankruptcy in Tampa, Florida. Ms. Anthony’s bankruptcy filing appears to list fairly minimal and routine assets and liabilities, such as: Cash on hand: $474 Furniture and laptop: $200 Jewelry: $200 Woman’s clothing and accessories: $100 In the category for “Patents, copyrights, and other intellectual property” she marks […]

Are Americans Ready To Give Up Our Single Family Homes?

The foreclosure crisis in our country has prompted judges, legislators and lawyers to rethink deeply embedded beliefs about mortgages in default and loan modifications. Settlement agents classically advise borrowers signing loan documents that “to stay you have to pay,” but both slowly and radically, practices are changing. New laws and procedures around the country are […]

Bikinis, McDreamy and Starbucks Bid for Coffee Company in Bankruptcy

An auction for bankrupt Seattle based Tully’s Coffee is heating up. Tully’s sells coffee to consumers out of 47 retail locations in airports, downtown Seattle street corners and the Washington State Convention Center. Under the wieght of its corporate structure, Tully’s filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in October, promptly shutting down several stores. Soon […]

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