Thoughts from a Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyer If a creditor has sued and won there will be a judgment against you. The will want payment, so they may seize and sell your assets to. .. I'm thinking about filing bankruptcy. Who will be affected? Will my spouse have to file? Will my bankruptcy show up on my spouse's credit report? Will our combined salaries prevent me from being able .. Even though you passed the means test the U.S. trustee, your case trustee, or even your creditors can review your bankruptcy case and argue that by the totality of the circumstances it would be .. There’s a procedure under the Bankruptcy Code that’s called claims estimation that's used when litigation threatens to drag on for months or even years. before the amount of a claim that is owed to .. When two or more people are liable on the same debt, they are called co-debtors and there are certain rights and obligations that pertain to co-debtors in bankruptcy. The strongest of these in a .. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck because a significant part of your income is being used to pay old credit card bills, medical bills, very old taxes or other claims that could be discharged .. When a creditor writes off your debt, they frequently send a 1099 to the IRS reporting income to you for the amount written off. This is called discharge of indebtedness income and under the .. Today, I will answer the question, "I'm filling out my schedules and the forms are asking if the claims against me are contingent, liquidated or disputed. What does 'disputed' mean?" A disputed claim is .. Today, I'll answer the question: "I'm filling out my schedules, and the forms are asking if the claims against me are contingent, liquidated, or disputed. What does that mean?" A claim is liquidated if .. Today I want to answer the question, "I'm filling out my schedules and the forms are asking if the claims against me are contingent, liquidated or disputed. What does that mean?" Bankruptcy courts need ..