Attorney Ron Drescher Talks About a New Program He Offers Called the 720 Credit Score –

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Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us today on This Needs to Be Said. Our friend, attorney Ron Drescher, is coming to talk with us about bankruptcy matters. What a lot of people are learning through every time he comes to visit with us is that bankruptcy is not the end, but he’s going to share with you today about a course that he is able to offer his clients that is going to really help you get back on track after, I would call it a storm, but after bankruptcy. Ron, thank you for joining us again on This Needs to Be Said. How are you?

Ron Drescher:

I’m doing great. How are you doing Katherine?


I am doing wonderful. I’m excited to hear about this new program that your company is offering to your clients. Let’s talk a little bit about that.

Ron Drescher:

Okay, sure. It’s called 720 Credit Score. It’s a course with videos, and workshops, and exercises, and lessons to give, mainly my clients, really mainly people who have been through bankruptcy, but it could be anybody with bad credit a laser focus to help them rebuild their credit. The twelve and twenty-four months after they emerge from bankruptcy, they can start resuming normal, meaningful credit scores.


Mm-hmm. Now, what are some of the things you’ve heard from your clients that has surprised them? Let me see if I can position that question a better way. I’m asking about rebuilding the credit. Even if a person hasn’t been through bankruptcy, they may be in a position to need to rebuild their credit. What I think what I really want to impress on the audience today is that when someone goes through bankruptcy, like the emotional part of it, they feel like all is lost. What we’ve tried to accomplish through our conversations with you is that all isn’t lost. I guess I want to know, what’s been the most surprising things that your clients have learned through working through their bankruptcy with you.

Ron Drescher:

Well, the most surprising thing that they’ve learned through working through the bankruptcy is that the right lawyer and the right team can make the process much less painful and much more dignified than they were expecting. That’s the biggest takeaway that I got. Because of that feedback, I decided that I really needed to make sure that my clients continued the road to financial excellence by bringing in this new program. It’s a new program for me. It’s been around since about 2013, so it’s been around long enough for it to have a track record. It’s proven to be successful in helping people rebuild their credit. I think this is the next and logical step for my firm to offer people who are undergoing financial distress.

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Tell us that program again because I want to show them the difference. They can check it out themselves, but it would be more beneficial if they go through you. Let’s show them the difference. Tell me the name of the program again.

Ron Drescher:

The name is That’s where you’re going to find out more about it.



Ron Drescher:

If you go to the website, you’ll see. They charge … It’s a 14 week course and they charge $1000 for it.



Ron Drescher:

People are paying $1000. It’s a 14 week program. It teaches you how to rebuild your credit the right way, why most credit scores are wrong, which credit cards actually hurt your credit score, how to stop lenders that report the wrong information, how to re-establish your credit after a bankruptcy, foreclosure, or short sale.



Ron Drescher:

It’s understandable why they’re charging $1000 for this program. If you think about it-


It’s not too far-fetched. It’s even, again, it’s understandable. It could even be a reasonable price. However, they’re going to get an even better price by working with you.

Ron Drescher:

Oh, they’ll get a much better price. For many clients that sign up with us, we bundle it with their attorney’s fee so that they really aren’t paying anything for it. I also offer it as a stand-alone product for hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of dollars less than what it costs because I’m buying it in bulk so I can pass that savings along to my customers. The reason why even $1000 is a meaningful value is, if you run the numbers between going and buying a car at 18 or 19% interest, going and buying a car at 5% interest. That’s hundreds of dollars a month that you can afford. I talked a little bit about this in my book, File Bankruptcy and Get Rich. Chapter 9 is The Bankruptcy Miracle, which is that just filing bankruptcy itself for most people will result in improvement of their credit score. Which is a counterintuitive thing, but is really true because lenders and creditors stop the negative reporting once you get your bankruptcy discharge. That by itself is help, but if you’ve got a systematic proven approach to rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy, it could be worth thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars to you in a better car, a better house, and other better credit terms after bankruptcy.

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Mm-hmm. What do you like most about the course that you’re going to be providing for people to get back on the right track. Yes, it helps them to learn credit repair. Yes, it helps them get back on the right track, but just filing bankruptcy helps them, again, getting back on the right track. What is it about the 720 Credit Score that you really like?

Ron Drescher:

Well, it puts in one place the tested and proven information that clients need to accomplish their ultimate goal, which is not just to get a discharge and to get protection from creditors, but to make their life more of a normal life. Where they can make normal decisions without the burden and the handicap of being impaired on the credit side. Every client, not most clients, not many clients, not the majority of clients, every client wants to know the impact of bankruptcy on their credit profile.


Of course.

Ron Drescher:

Every client. It always comes up. It’s exciting to me to be able to say, “Look, we have a step by step program.” There’s no secret of should I do this or should I do that? How do I challenge something on my credit report? People are afraid to look at their credit reports. They’re afraid to look at their credit reports.


Yeah, like a horror movie.

Ron Drescher:

What I say is, “No, go, and look, and see, and learn, and improve, and grow, and conquer.” I believe that you can do that.


I think, for me, what has been the most amazing thing about interviewing you and learning about bankruptcy process is that bankruptcy attorneys actually have the ability to empower people. That is one of the most surprising things for me to learn through this process. I’m learning about 720 Credit Score today because you’re sharing information, but because I’ve talked with you a couple of times before I say, “Oh my gosh, not only looking at my credit score may be scary, but talking to an attorney is scary and it means you’ve done something bad if you file bankruptcy. But no, no, and no. It’s not scary to look at your credit score. It’s not scary to talk to an attorney. It’s not bad if you have to file bankruptcy. If you find yourself in that situation.” I mean, that has been surprising to me this whole time. Each time I talk with you, I’m more empowered myself so I know This Needs to Be Said audience is as well. I just want to say thank you for that and continue to wow us. All right?

Ron Drescher:

Well, thank you. That was a very nice compliment, Katherine. I really take it to heart and I’m very gratified to hear you say all of those things.


Now, tell the This Needs to Be Said audience how to get a copy of your book and then how they can get in touch with you, personally.

Ron Drescher:

Well, you could always go get my book by going to and fill out that form to make sure you get your book. To find us, to schedule a consult, just call 443-438-1966 and you’ll talk to someone at my office and I’ll make sure that you can schedule a time to talk to me. I definitely like to make myself available to people who need our services.


Awesome. Ron, I want to say thank you so much. I’m excited to find out more about how people are enjoying the 720 Credit Score program that you’re offering and a future conversation and much success. Continue to empower people through bankruptcy, all right?

Ron Drescher:

Thank you so much. I appreciate it and please continue to empower people through your show.


Awesome, thank you. Have a wonderful day, Ron. Until next time. Bye, now.

Ron Drescher:


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